Design, construction and validation of a control system of the physiological properties in a cardiac bioreactor

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During this Bachelor Thesis a system to measure, record and control physiological properties in a cardiac bioreactor has been designed, developed and validated. The present study has been developed in the Laboratory for Bioartificial Organs of the Hospital Gregorio MaraƱon of Madrid. The cardiac bioreactor for which this system has been built keeps an isolated pig heart alive and beating during several hours by using a modified Langendorff system. The main goal of this bioreactor is to evaluate the mechanisms of mortal cardiac arrhythmias under a control situation and without producing any kind of pain in animals. Specifically, porcine hearts are maintained alive by forcing coronary arteries perfusion with a physiological solution that mimics blood. The main goal of the present study was to develop a system of sensors to have physiological properties of the perfused media under control to foster the proper functioning of the cardiac processes taking place in the bioreactor. During the development of the present bachelor thesis, a system that measures oxygenation, pH, temperature and level of the circulating medium in the main vessel of the bioreactor has been developed. In addition to record and store the data, the system trigger specific alarms if any of these properties is out of a user defined range. The developed prototype makes use of self-made MATLAB software, a camera and an Arduino board connected to three sensors, an LCD screen and a buzzer. It has proven to work for long periods of time without problems, measuring properly all these properties and triggering the alarm when they were out of user defined range.
Sensors, Physiological properties, Cardiac bioreactor, BiotecnologĆ­a, BioingenierĆ­a
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