The NILS-study in Norway. Challenges met at phone interviews by use of standardized questionnaires

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Background: The NILS-study; a project involving Norwegian and Spanish patients implanted with Pacemaker, who are randomized to either Home monitoring or standard follow-up with visits at the Hospital. The aim of the Study is to monitor the patients’ experience of quality of life and economic aspects. Our task is to collect information of the Norwegian patients’ experience of quality of life by using standardized questionnaires. Method: Synthesis of experiences made so far. Results: Our Norwegian patients per 28.07.15: 35 patients, which 17 are randomized to Home monitoring. They have an average age of 77 years; the oldest patient is 99 years and the youngest 55. They come from all over the County of Nordland. We are making phonecalls after 1, 6 and 12 months. We experience that the patients high age are making the collection of data challenging due to hearing disabilities and cognitive status. The ”Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire” easily lead to incorrect answers as the patients have difficulty distinguishing problems related to their Heart failure from problems related to general healtissues. The rating system of this form, and the forms HCCQ and GS-PEQ, also takes focus off the question itself and confuses the patient. Discussion: How can we ensure that the patient understand the questionnaire and is giving us the correct picture of his quality of life/experience of Home monitoring?
Seminario desarrollado en la Segunda Conferencia Internacional de Comunicación en Salud, celebrada el 23 de octubre de 2015 en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Salud, Telemonitoring, Cardiology, Telemedicine, Telehealth
Bibliographic citation
Enebakk, T., Thunhaug, H. 2015. The NILS-study in Norway. Challenges met at phone interviews by use of standardized questionnaires. II Conferencia Internacional de Comunicación en Salud (23/10/2015). Universidad Carlos III de Madrid