A Proof-of-Concept for Orthographic Named Entity Correction in Spanish Voice Queries

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Journal Issue
Automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems are not able to recognize entities that are not present in its vocabulary. The problem considered in this paper is the misrecognition of named entities in Spanish voice queries introducing a proof-of-concept for named entity correction that provides alternative entities to the ones incorrectly recognized or misrecognized by retrieving entities phonetically similar from a dictionary. This system is domain-dependent, using sports news, especially football news, regardless of the automatic speech recognition system used. The correction process exploits the query structure and its semantic information to detect where a named entity appears. The system finds the most suitable alternative entity from a dictionary previously generated with the existing named entities.
Proceedings of: 10th International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval. Took place October 24-25, 2012, in Copenhaguen (Denmark).
Artificial intelligence, Learning systems, Natural language processing systems, Semantics, Sports, Automatic speech recognition, Automatic speech recognition system, Correction process, Named entities, Phonetic representation, Query structures, Question Answering, Semantic information, Speech recognition, Audio transcription, Machine learning, Named entity correction, Phonetic representation, Question answering
Bibliographic citation
Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval: Semantics, Context, and Adaptation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8382 (2014) pp. 181-190