A Conversational Academic Assistant for the Interaction in Virtual Worlds

Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The current interest and extension of social networking are rapidly introducing a large number of applications that originate new communication and interaction forms among their users. Social networks and virtual worlds, thus represent a perfect environment for interacting with applications that use multimodal information and are able to adapt to the specific characteristics and preferences of each user. As an example of this application, in this paper we present an example of the integration of conversational agents in social networks, describing the development of a conversational avatar that provides academic information in the virtual world of Second Life. For its implementation techniques from Speech Technologies and Natural Language Processing have been used to allow a more natural interaction with the system using voice.
Proceedings of: Forth International Workshop on User-Centric Technologies and applications (CONTEXTS 2010). Valencia, 07-10 September , 2010.
Social networks, Virtual Worlds, Conversational Agents, Second life
Bibliographic citation
Andre Ponce de Leon F. de Carvalho, et al. (eds.) (2010). Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence: 7th International Symposium. (Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, 79) Springer, 283-290.