DI - SOFTLAB - Capítulos de Monografías

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  • Publication
    Tablets Helping Elderly and Disabled People
    (Smart Homes. Dutch Expert Centre On Home Automation, Smart Living & E-Health, 2012) Castro, Mercedes de; Ruiz Mezcua, María Belén; Sánchez-Pena, José Manuel; García Crespo, Ángel; Iglesias Maqueda, Ana María; Pajares, José Luis
    The article introduces the basics by which tablets are considered as appropriate tools for integration and promotion of the elderly in the digital world. To prove this, the paper presents three research projects carried out by CESyA that integrate Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), Voice Synthesis, subtitling, audiodescription or audio navigation tools into tablets for encourage autonomy and personal growth for the elderly and for people with disabilities
  • Publication
    Web Educational Services for All: The APEINTA Project
    (ACM, 2011-03-28) Iglesias Maqueda, Ana María; Moreno López, Lourdes; Ruiz Mezcua, María Belén; Pajares, José Luis; Jiménez, Javier; López, Juan Francisco; Revuelta Sanz, Pablo; Hernández, Julián
    This paper presents the web-based educational services included in the APEINTA project. The main aim of APEINTA is to avoid barriers among the students and the education. Taking into account the advantage of cloud computing paradigm, the next web-based services are proposed: First, a captioning service, so students with hearing disabilities, for instance, could access to the verbatim speech of the teachers, even in a remote location; Second, a text-to-speech service, so students with speaking problems could participate in the class or in oral discussions or meetings, for instance, just writing in their personal devices; Third, a web-based educational system, so every student can access the pedagogical resources with time and location independency
  • Publication
    Tablet PC and Head Mounted Display for Live Closed Captioning in Education
    (IEEE, 2011-01-09) Jiménez, Javier; Iglesias Maqueda, Ana María; López, Juan Francisco; Hernández, Julián; Ruiz Mezcua, María Belén
    Automatic Speech Recognition is a powerful tool for inclusive education. Captioning helps disabled students but distract other students. We propose and evaluate the use of Tablets PC and Head Mounted Displays for live closed captioning