Preparation of cycloaliphatic epoxy hybrids with non-conventional amine-curing agent

Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
Cycloaliphatic epoxy resin has been successfully thermally cured using a polyamino siloxane oligomer as hardener. The curing reaction was followed by infrared spectroscopy in the near range, and thermal transitions were measured by dynamic mechanical thermal analysis. The use of accelerants and a plasticizer (dodecylphenol), and different curing schedules were explored. Cured materials showed high Tg values (around 125&-164 °C), and the analysis of laser scanning confocal microscopy images showed that they are homogeneous in the microscale.
Thermal curing, Polysiloxane, Cycloaliphatic epoxy, Glass transition
Bibliographic citation
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, February 2011, vol. 103, issue 2, pp. 717-723