Estudio mediante SEM/EDS del taladro en seco de la aleación Ti-6Al-4V

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En este artículo se estudia el proceso de taladrado sin fluido de corte, de la aleación Ti6A14V, comparando dos condiciones de mecanizado, con y sin enfriamiento de herramienta y material entre taladros. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la influencia en el desgaste de la herramienta y en la calidad del agujero, del diferente incremento de temperatura originado por trabajar en una u otra condición. Para ello, se realizará análisis SEM/EDS y microscopía óptica de la broca e inspección visual del material.
This paper is focused on dry drilling of Ti6Al4V. In absence of cutting fluid, high temperatures are reached. Two different cutting conditions are studied in order to analyse the influence of temperature. In first condition, tests with no pause between drilled holes were carried out. In second condition, tests were performed cooling the tool with air between consecutively holes. Tool wear was studied with optical microscope and SEM-EDS techniques. The quality of machined holes was estimated in terms of optical inspection. Significantly differences in tool wear evolution were observed between both cutting conditions analysed.
Taladrado, Titanio, Mecanizado en seco, SEM/EDS, Desgaste de las herramientas, Drilling, Titanium, Dry machining, Tool wear
Bibliographic citation
Revista de Metalurgia, (2005), 45(nº extra), 355-360.