In-layer multi-buffer framework for rate-controlled scalable video coding

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Temporal scalability is supported in scalable video coding (SVC) by means of hierarchical prediction structures, where the higher layers can be ignored for frame rate reduction. Nevertheless, this kind of scalability is not totally exploited by the rate control (RC) algorithms since the hypothetical reference decoder (HRD) requirement is only satisfied for the highest frame rate sub-stream of every dependency (spatial or coarse grain scalability) layer. In this paper we propose a novel RC approach that aims to deliver several HRD-compliant temporal resolutions within a particular dependency layer. Instead of using the common SVC encoder configuration consisting of a dependency layer per each temporal resolution, a compact configuration that does not require additional dependency layers for providing different HRD-compliant temporal resolutions is proposed. Specifically, the proposed framework for rate-controlled SVC uses a set of virtual buffers within a dependency layer so that their levels can be simultaneously controlled for overflow and underflow prevention while minimizing the reconstructed video distortion of the corresponding sub-streams. This in-layer multi-buffer approach has been built on top of a baseline H.264/SVC RC algorithm for variable bit rate applications. The experimental results show that our proposal achieves a good performance in terms of mean quality, quality consistency, and buffer control using a reduced number of layers.
H.264/advanced video coding (AVC), H.264/SVC, Hypothetical reference decoder (HRD), Rate control (RC), Scalable video coding (SVC), Variable bit rate (VBR)
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IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, (2012), 22(8), 1199-1212.