Towards a privacy-respectful telematic verification system for vehicle & driver authorizations

Research Projects
Organizational Units
Journal Issue
The use of ubiquitous technologies to implement a telematic on-the-road verification of driver and vehicle authorizations would provide significant benefits regarding road safety, economic costs and convenience. Privacy-aware digital credentials would enable such a service although some challenges exist. The goal of this on-going work is to address these challenges. The first contribution herein presented is an enhanced data model of driver and vehicle authorizations. Secondly, we provide an analysis of existing privacy-aware digital credential systems that may support the implementation of the system.
Poster of: Eighth Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous 2011), Copenhagen, Denmark, 2011
Digital credential, Privacy, vehicle, driver, Enforcement, Intelligent Transportation Systems, ITS
Bibliographic citation
Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking, and Services: 8th International ICST Conference, MobiQuitous 2011, Copenhagen, Denmark, December 6-9, 2011, Revised Selected Papers. Springer, 2012, pp. 224-227